Digital & Customer Intelligence and Marketing Technologies

What we talk about with our clients:

Iskander Business Partner supports you in the selection and application of marketing technologies that are tailored to your business goals and KPIs. These technologies provide data-driven decision-making processes, based on customer data analysis, to develop effective customer strategies. With a deep understanding of customer relationships, we help transform them into personalised experiences and offer tailored solutions in digital and customer intelligence. We also help to uncover growth potential through new target groups and data sources in order to promote long-term, profitable customer relationships.

Our services:

  • Marketing technology inventory analysis, selection and implementation
  • Digital analysis and optimisation of web platforms
  • Customer analysis & customer segmentation
  • Customer lifetime value & customer value management
  • Reporting & performance management
  • Cloud data warehouses & migration (“the modern data stack”)
  • Automation, machine learning & artificial intelligence solutions
“At a time when the demands on the company's internal data itself and its storage and use are increasing at an unprecedented rate - whether due to legal regulations, the need for internal transparency, cost pressure or the appropriate availability for machine learning or artificial intelligence - it is of the utmost importance to adapt your marketing technology and data stack to these requirements. This in turn also leads to significant improvements for Digital & Customer Intelligence. At Iskander Business Partner, we use customer intelligence as a compass that shows us the way to a successful future. It is the fuel for innovation, differentiation and continuous improvement. Schedule a call to learn how we help companies better understand their customers and conquer new horizons through data-driven insights.”
Günter Stöcker Practice Lead Martech & Data
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Our services in the area of MARTECH & DATA

Digital analytics & web platform optimisation

Iskander Business Partner helps companies understand customer behavior on web platforms, optimize conversion rates and develop targeted advertising campaigns based on sound data through comprehensive digital analytics services, always ensuring the highest level of automation and compliance with legal requirements such as the GDPR.

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Customer analysis & customer segmentation

Iskander Business Partner helps you to divide your customer base into meaningful segments and develop targeted marketing strategies. Maximize your resource efficiency, increase customer loyalty and achieve sustainable growth through personalised communication. Our customer analytics provide valuable insights into customer behavior and enable data-driven decisions for optimised marketing strategies and business success.

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Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) & Customer Value Management (CVM)

Learn how to maximise the long-term value of each individual customer. Our Customer Intelligence Practice combines Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Value Management to develop targeted and data-driven strategies that foster long-term customer relationships and enable sustainable growth. Discover how you can identify high-potential customers, develop personalised offers and increase your profitability.

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Reporting & Performance Management

Turn data into a clear understanding of your customers and make informed decisions through efficient reporting & performance management. Iskander Business Partner helps you define and measure key performance indicators, optimise processes and track the performance of your CRM initiatives. Create transparency, increase efficiency and lay the foundation for sustainable growth.

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Marketing technology inventory analysis, selection and implementation

Iskander Business Partner offers comprehensive services for the review, selection and implementation of marketing technologies.

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Cloud Data Warehouses & Migration

Iskander Business Partner offers comprehensive cloud data warehouse services and migration solutions. Our experienced team helps organisations seamlessly integrate cloud-based data warehouses and data pipelines to ensure efficient data collection, processing and analysis.

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Automation, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Solutions for automation, machine learning and AI optimise processes in marketing, sales and service. From automated web analytics tag monitoring to chatbots in customer communication, they adapt to your company data and thus increase efficiency.

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We are constantly striving to expand our range of services for you.

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Digital analytics & web platform optimisation
Understanding the as yet unknown customer, keeping them in the loop and transferring them to CRM

We support our clients in analysing customer behavior on their web platforms and, where possible, transforming this data into meaningful first-party data. Our comprehensive digital analytics services help clients to better understand and optimise their web presence and make informed business decisions. Our focus is on increasing conversion rates through data analysis and developing customised strategies. We also improve marketing measures through targeted advertising campaigns based on the insights gained. Our services are characterised by a high level of automation and compliance with legal frameworks such as the GDPR.


  • Improved customer understanding and personalized optimisation of web platforms to maximize the customer experience
  • Effectively increase conversion rates by analyzing customer data and implementing tailored strategies
  • Optimise marketing efforts through targeted advertising campaigns based on sound insights, resulting in increased efficiency and effectiveness
  • Ensuring compliance with applicable data protection regulations such as the GDPR, which strengthens the security and trust of customers and minimizes legal risks
Team Meeting bei Iskander Business Partner

Customer analysis & customer segmentation
Understanding customer behavior & turning data into insights

We specialise in data-driven customer segmentation and innovative methods to clearly define customer segments. We conduct comprehensive data collection, cleansing and analysis to identify behavioral patterns. Based on our many years of experience, we offer precise segmentation and customised marketing strategies. Through customer analytics, we gain key insights into customer behavior for targeted marketing campaigns and customer retention. We support informed business decisions with identified data sources and data-driven strategies that meet individual requirements.


  • Targeted marketing strategies through data analysis for higher conversion rates
  • Efficient use of resources through precise customer segmentation
  • Customer retention and loyalty through personalised offers
  • Product development and innovation through understanding customer preferences
  • Deeper customer insights, e.g. based on socio-demographics, motives, behavior
  • Prediction of customer behavior for proactive decision-making
  • Tailored offers and marketing messages for better customer loyalty
Meeting in der Unternehmensberatung Düsseldorf

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) & Customer Value Management (CVM)
Maximising customer value

Our focus is on Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and Customer Value Management (CVM) to build long-term customer relationships and maximise the value of each customer. With a deep understanding of customer relationship management, we develop holistic CVM and CLV strategies for short-term success and long-term profitability. By analyzing customer behavior, we identify customers with high value potential and strengthen long-term relationships with personalized offers and continuous CLV increase.


  • Building long-term customer loyalty through CLV and CVM strategies to identify and promote profitable customers
  • Efficient use of resources by focusing on customers with high CLV and targeted CVM strategies for better budget allocation
  • Increased sales through targeted upselling and cross-selling strategies based on CLV and CVM for higher average sales per customer
  • Sustainable growth by focusing on long-term customer values to promote stable and continuous company growth

Reporting & Performance Management
Clear insights for smart decisions

Our Reporting & Performance Management Services help you to monitor progress and react quickly to changes. We define relevant KPIs, create easy-to-understand dashboards and automate data collection. Our experts customise reports to your business needs, monitor progress and continuously optimise processes and strategies based on data.


  • Data-driven decision-making through effective reporting & performance management for precise resource allocation and strategic planning
  • Efficient use of resources by identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies for targeted optimisation of processes and cost reduction
  • Performance comparison and benchmarking to identify strengths, weaknesses and best practices for continuous improvement and competitive advantage
  • Transparency and communication through dynamic dashboards for a clear performance overview and improved internal communication to focus on common goals

Marketing technology inventory analysis, selection and implementation
Invest in future security now

We offer comprehensive marketing technology services, including review, selection and implementation. Our specialized team analyses your existing technology to identify strengths, weaknesses and optimization potential. Based on the results, we develop customised recommendations to increase the efficiency of your marketing activities. We support you in the selection and implementation of advanced marketing tools such as digital advertising, CRM systems and e-commerce platforms. Our experts accompany you throughout the entire process to ensure seamless integration and sustainable added value.


  • Increased efficiency: Identification of strengths and weaknesses of existing marketing technologies for a more effective use of resources
  • Customized recommendations: Tailored recommendations to optimize your marketing activities according to your specific needs and goals
  • Advanced tools: Selection and implementation of advanced marketing tools that enable better customisation to your business needs
  • Seamless integration: Support for the smooth integration of selected technologies into your existing systems to create sustainable added value
  • Operational security in operations: possibility of support in day-to-day business by analysing effectiveness and efficiency in the use of the newly introduced platform

Cloud Data Warehouse & Migration
Advanced data intelligence & artificial intelligence for your company

Our experts analyze your data infrastructure, identify optimisation options and opportunities for cloud migration. Specialising in AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, we develop tailored strategies and implementation plans for a smooth data migration. We help you implement scalable and secure cloud data warehouses to enable improved data processing and analytics. Our focus is on managing your data effectively in the cloud to achieve faster decisions and better business results.


  • Scalability and flexibility for smooth adaptation to changing conditions
  • Cost efficiency through the use of a cloud-based solution
  • Increased data availability for fast decision-making
  • Data security and compliance for smooth operation

Automation, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Solutions
Solutions that make your business more efficient and effective

Sales processes can be optimised through automation across marketing, sales and service. Automated web analytics and alarm functions provide real-time information for agile adjustments. Machine learning supports precise lead qualification. Automation reduces repetitive tasks and enables sales staff to focus strategically. Artificial intelligence enables personalized recommendation engines, optimized e-mail dispatch and highly personalised chatbots in sales.


  • More effective processes: The integration of automation, machine learning and AI enables their marketing, sales and service processes to be optimised, resulting in improved overall performance
  • Optimised use of resources: The implementation of these technologies enables companies to use resources more efficiently, as repetitive tasks are automated and employees can focus on more demanding, strategic tasks
  • Real-time monitoring: Alarm functions in reports enable an immediate response to changes, allowing companies to react quickly to trends and adapt their strategies
  • Personalised customer communication: By integrating chatbots or recommenders based on individual company data, companies can ensure personalised customer communication, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty

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