Achieving Competitive Advantages through Sustainable and Positive Customer Experiences

What we talk about with our clients:

We at Iskander Business Partner are the experts in all aspects of customer management, including Customer Experience (CX). We understand CX holistically from “start to finish,” offering our clients a comprehensive solution portfolio from a single source. This includes defining the CX mission statement, assessing the CX status, designing customer journeys, and selecting appropriate tool support. Our clients benefit from our extensive experience in numerous CX projects and our proven templates and methodologies.

Our services:

  • CX mission statement
  • CX maturity assessments
  • Customer journey optimisation
  • Voice of the customer programs (VoC)
  • CX software selection
  • CX metrics
"The experience makes the difference – customer experience is becoming the most important differentiator for companies as products and services become increasingly interchangeable. How can successful companies deliver excellent customer experience? By proactively addressing customer needs, considering their feedback, and continuously improving. This customer orientation ensures that all business processes, products, and interactions create value for customers. At Iskander Business Partner, we help you in this transformation towards a customer-centric approach."
Andreas Kuchenbecker Practice Lead Customer Experience
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Our services in the area of CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE

CX Mission Statement ("North Star")

The Iskander Business Partner CX mission statement provides the necessary guidance for your CX initiative by setting the framework: Where do we want to go with CX? What goals are we pursuing with CX? What boundaries are we setting for ourselves?

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CX Maturity Assessment

How do your customers evaluate their experiences with your company? What expectations do your customers have when using your contact channels, and how do they perceive them? Where is your company already well-positioned, and where are the areas for improvement? Iskander Business Partner determines your current status for CX and identifies specific areas for improvement, showing you where and how you can enhance your CX.

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Customer Journey Optimisation

Are you aware that all interactions your customers have with your company impact their CX? And consequently, their satisfaction and loyalty? Do you know your customer's journey and their expectations at each touchpoint? We help you view the process from the customer's perspective and derive the necessary optimizations and actions.

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Voice of the Customer Programs (VoC)

To deliver positive customer experiences, it is essential to know what customers think – who could tell us better than the customers themselves? VoC programs bring the customer's voice into your company, supporting you in aligning with your customers' needs and expectations.

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CX Software Selection

Which CX solution ideally fits your requirements? Which tool allows you both to evaluate feedback and provide individual responses to customers? How do you ideally integrate the CX tool into your current system environment? The market for CX solutions is complex – Iskander Business Partner helps you identify the right tool for your needs.

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CX Metrics

Which metrics do you use to measure and manage your customers' experiences? Do you systematically collect NPS, customer satisfaction, or other metrics and draw the right conclusions from them?

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CX Mission Statement
Set a clear direction for your CX initiative

We conduct semi-structured interviews with approximately 10-15 selected management representatives from your company. In these interviews, we assess the current status of defined parameters in the CX environment as well as success factors and potential for a possible target situation. We then prepare the insights from the interviews for the first management workshop. In this workshop, we first present the interview results and then discuss and prioritise the identified areas for action together. In the second, final workshop with management, we further advance the results, create a roadmap with the key measures, and jointly define the framework for CX in your company.


  • Structured approach with a defined sequence of interviews and two management workshops
  • Manageable time commitment on your side (approximately 1 hour per interview for each management representative and 2x approximately 4 hours per workshop)
  • Short project duration: can be completed within 4-5 weeks (subject to the availability of your resources)
  • Provides clear rules and agreed frameworks for the CX initiative through management
  • Ensures coordinated action recommendations
Team Meeting bei Iskander Business Partner

CX Maturity Assessment
Neutral assessment of your CX status by our experts

To assess your current CX status, we use our CX maturity model, which continually incorporates our experiences from similar projects. We take a holistic view of CX and evaluate parameters such as CX strategy, processes in the form of customer journeys and involved touchpoints, KPIs, and integrated IT systems. Based on this CX baseline, we collaboratively define the target state with you – where do you want to go as a company in the medium to long term? For this journey, we derive optimization measures and initiatives, which we prioritize and fix in a roadmap. We provide an initial description of the measures so you can start working with them immediately.


  • An external, neutral perspective enables an objective assessment
  • Consideration of relevant CX dimensions (strategy, processes, data, and systems) ensures an end-to-end view
  • Methodical, structured approach ensures a short project duration
  • Minimal time investment on your end
  • Available tools and templates are practice-proven

Customer Journey Optimisation
Analysis from the perspective of your customers

We support you in making your customers’ experiences at your touchpoints tangible and integrating them into your company. With our comprehensive approach to “Customer Journey Optimisation,” we identify the “moments of truth” together and derive targeted and structured measures for optimisation – always with your customers in mind.
As long-time experts in customer management topics, we have helped numerous companies like BMW, Telefónica, and 1&1 optimise their customer orientation. We accompany you from conception to implementation and work in long-term and successful partnerships (see our repeated recognition as a “Hidden Champion”).


  • Structured and proven approach
  • Strengthening customer orientation
Beraterinnen im Gespräch

Voice of the Customer Programs
Bringing customer voices into the company and using the information for improvement

VoC programs ideally start with a pilot project, where we collaboratively identify your biggest challenges in the customer journeys, such as high dropout rates in online shopping or dissatisfaction with customer service. Based on this, we establish the first use case and clarify details such as the target group, survey design, and timeframe. We then begin data collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative feedback to derive actionable measures. After the successful completion of the pilot, the program can be scaled within your organization.


  • “Think big, start small but soon” – our pilot approach quickly secures initial insights
  • Structured introduction of your organisation to handling customer feedback
  • Guidance in deriving and implementing optimisation potentials

CX Software Selection
Systematic approach ensures optimal tool selection

Our approach to selecting CX solutions includes the following services:

  • Gathering and aligning requirements with the involved departments (Marketing, Sales, Service)
  • Capturing non-functional requirements (e.g., from IT, Data Protection, Legal, HR)
  • Consolidating the requirements into a comprehensive list
  • Evaluating and prioritising the requirements (e.g., according to “must-have” and “nice-to-have” criteria)
  • Market screening – starting with a longlist or directly creating a shortlist based on client preference
  • Conducting vendor presentations (potentially using predefined use or demo cases)
  • Supporting the distribution of requirement documents
  • Moderating the decision-making process for the final vendor selection on the customer side


  • Structured and proven approach
  • Extensive knowledge of functional and non-functional requirements through numerous similar projects
  • Deep understanding of the CX tool market
  • Involvement of stakeholders and company departments ensures acceptance within the organisation
  • Adaptable approach to your legal requirements regarding the procurement of IT systems

CX Metrics
“Only what gets measured, gets managed.” (Peter Drucker)

We support you in defining and developing the key metrics for your CX initiative. We create a KPI framework and establish reporting periods and target values, among other things. We design reports and dashboards so you can easily keep track of the relevant figures and metrics.


  • Years of experience in defining, measuring, and analysing CX metrics

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