Structured development and implementation of innovations to ensure the long-term success and growth of the company

What we talk about with our clients:

The Innovation & Growth practice is one of Iskander Business Partner’s core competencies. We help you step by step in the development and implementation of innovations for more business growth. We act in a practice-oriented manner and at eye level with decision-makers from the areas of customer service, marketing, sales, CRM and business development. We are the partner for implementing more growth through innovation.

Our services:

  • Innovation workshop: development of new value propositions including prototyping for specific business areas
  • AI Business Booster: Structured identification of relevant AI use cases for the business areas of marketing, sales, CRM, customer service and/or business innovation
  • Disruption analysis: outlook on the disruptive start-up future & recommendations for effective countermeasures
  • Product building: management of innovative product development including go-to-market
  • Business building: expansion of business areas on the basis of innovations
“Successful innovations have an exponential value development. They always begin with an intensive development phase and then move on to an almost “uncatchable” growth phase. The new “innovation champions” are emerging in your sectors, not least due to AI and other technologies. Now is the time to seize this opportunity. The key to success is therefore successful innovation management: where do you stand today? How do you manage your innovations? As Iskander Business Partners, we accompany our clients step by step in the development of innovations.”
Portrait von Unternehmensberater Carsten Schüerhoff Carsten Schüerhoff Practice Lead Innovation & Growth
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Our services in the area of innovation & growth

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Innovation workshops (Value Proposition Management & Prototyping)

Our Iskander Business Partner Innovation Framework starts at the very beginning of every innovation with the right idea or value proposition. But how do you find the best idea? We show our clients how they can master this step quickly and systematically.

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Team Meeting bei Iskander Business Partner

AI Business Booster Workshop

Iskander Business Partner helps you to recognize how you can best use Chat GPT / Generative AI for your business. We identify your key levers and use cases and develop your ideal roadmap.

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Disruption analysis

How will disruptive new business areas emerge in the future and which start-ups are most likely to be relevant? How should we react as a company? We help you to gain a quick and comprehensive overview of the international technology trends and start-up scene relevant to you and develop targeted recommendations for action with you.

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Product Building

Iskander Business Partner provides support in managing digital product development, including go-to-market.

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Business Building

The aim of business building is to develop a sustainably successful business segment from the innovation. Iskander Business Partner works with you to form the basic structure of the business venture and provides support in the targeted design of your company.

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We are constantly striving to expand our range of services for you.

Portrait von Unternehmensberater Carsten SchüerhoffCarsten Schüerhoff Have we sparked your interest? Fell free to contact us without obligation. Get in touch

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Lego Bausteine

Innovation workshops (Value Proposition Management & Prototyping)
From the client need to the value proposition/prototype

Successful innovations (so-called “hero innovations”) are no coincidence, but the result of a structured and well-planned process. The starting point for all considerations is the analysis of customers and the market. We attach great importance to analysing customer needs. Customers do not express all their needs immediately. At the same time, they are not aware of all their needs. The analysis and prioritisation of needs is the basis for the development of successful innovations.


  • Integration and bundling of company-wide expertise
  • Only a few days required to generate the value proposition (approx. 2-5 days)
  • Generation of a large number of small ideas and one or two well thought-out value proposition approaches (focus on “hero innovations”)
  • Fast and cost-effective development of a prototype to test initial market acceptance
  • Basis for maximum support of the relevant employees/departments employees/departments during implementation through active involvement in innovation development
Team Meeting bei Iskander Business Partner

AI Business Booster Workshop
Targeted development of relevant AI use cases

Generative AI quickly reached over 100 million users and the number of available tools and services is growing continuously. Our focus is on helping you to identify the optimal use cases. In our AI Business Booster workshops, we combine business and technology expertise to help you achieve results quickly. Our experts present concrete approaches for your individual areas such as customer service, marketing, sales, CRM or corporate development.


  • Structured joint development of the relevant use cases
  • Inspiration through concretely elaborated proposals from Iskander Business Partner
  • Discussion of business benefits and feasibility with relevant experts
  • Basis for the implementation of an AI roadmap
Schreibtisch mit Laptop, Kaffe, Smartphone und Schreibblock

Disruption analysis
Structured analysis & identification of future “hot shot start-ups”

Based on the corporate strategy, the first step is to define the core area of the disruption study. Together with the client’s top decision-makers, the company’s proposition is broken down into its essential core components and the relevant enablers (processes and systems for delivering the proposition) are identified.

On this basis, we can create a so-called domain map for the structured search for the client. Our in-depth search, which is based on selected internal and external comprehensive start-up databases, then leads to a heat map to identify the focus topics or actual start-up shortlist.
The start-ups on the “Focus” shortlist are comprehensively analysed by us right through to the concrete recommendation for action (e.g. M&A target, cooperation candidates, etc.). All key steps are coordinated with the client in workshops.


  • Structured outlook on the relevant disruption fields and technologies
  • Focus on the relevant “hot shot start-ups”
  • Timely development and evaluation of options for action
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Product Building
For the efficient development and launch of your product

We specialise in implementation and support you in ensuring that all areas work together effectively to achieve the goal. Our expertise lies in agile product development to launch marketable products quickly and efficiently. We help you to fill key positions and manage product development and launch efficiently. With our experience, we identify critical success factors for successful product development at an early stage.


  • Ensuring product quality for a timely market launch
  • Optimisation of time and resources. Immediate availability of the relevant experts
  • Further development of your own company
Hände zeichnen auf Papier bei Innovationsworkshop

Business Building
Building long-term competitive companies

We have already successfully founded companies such as the AI solution provider BLUE AVENIR, the B2B consultancy Pure Business Consulting and the digital agency foobar. In addition, we support our clients in the development of predominantly digital business areas with a long-term focus on increasing value, and we are prepared to be measured by this.


  • Long-term cooperation
  • Focus on increasing the value of the business building
  • Own experience in founding and expanding successful business ventures

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